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Win a Neon Wedding Sign Competiton

Laura Hammond

We are giving away an LED Neon Mr & Mrs Wedding sign (100cm * 30.5cm), together with 2 additional 2nd prizes of 25% off as a discount code. 

To get a chance of winning these prizes then all you need to do is;

1) Become a subscriber on our website. You can do this by signing up to subscribe in the email subscription box on the home page or by signing up for an account and confirming you would like to subscribe to our emails


2) Find one of our Instagram posts relating to this competition and commenting #winaneonsign

The other condition that we'd love you to abide by is that if you win our Neon sign that we get to see a picture of the sign up at your/your friend's wedding. We are happy for you to enter on someone else's behalf as long as the sign is going to be used at a wedding.

Any questions then contact us on, send us an Instagram message or give us a call on 07340 526076.


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