About Us
Sparkled UK offer a range of innovative LED Neon signage, suitable for a range of occasions, as well as the opportunity to deliver your fully customised Neon sign.
We are an independent family run business with 15 years of experience in the LED lighting market, we know about LED's and we know about Neon Flex. We'll ensure that the right dimensions are used for your specific design and we'll ensure that the limits of Neon Flex are fully adhered to e.g. we won't create bends which will kill the LED's within a few weeks, we'll ensure you is best produced to assure the longevity of your sign.
We want to deliver Neon signs that people are proud of, where people will look at your sign and say "wow, that looks amazing!" and we hope you'll come back for more. We love the feeling of supplying a beautiful LED Neon Sign to a customer and are really grateful that you stopped by find out more about us, to have a look at our product range or create your own customised sign using our custom sign tool.
We work with a range of high quality LED solutions which offer all the benefits of a sustainable, energy saving product whilst looking phenomenal. We've been in the LED Neon Flex sector long enough to know which products are built to last, when to use RGB Neon Flex as oppose to a single colour Neon Flex and how to fully waterproof a sign if it's going to be for outdoor use.
Our products are available to buy in our own design or custom made to yours. We can also offer a range of smart lighting features to compliment your sign, notably the ability to offer a remote controlled RGB sign, if the design allows.
Whether your sign is for your wedding, event or as home decor, we strive to offer a range of products to suit your style and budget.
Our customised sign making service offers you the chance to personalise your sign or for your business brand or company logo to be illuminated in beautiful Neon.
At Sparkled we are passionate about delivering a high quality Neon sign for an affordable price and we will strive to offer you the best price vs. any of our competitors. We can work to tight deadlines and usually aim to have your signage with you within 10 - 21 days.
Talk to Sparkled UK today to add some more Neon sparkle to your home, business or event.
sales@sparkleduk.com, call us on 01489 570780 or send us a message us on Instagram at @sparkled_uk.